In the Abyss, green slimes could be found in Shedaklah, the Slime Pits, 222nd layer of the Abyss.

Green slimes were known to inhabit the Haunted Halls of Eveningstar in the Stonelands, where they seeped through the ceiling, waiting for their next meal to stroll under. When the acidic ooze touched its next meal, it started to emit foul-smelling smoke, reminiscent of swamp, earthly decay and eels. They were known to eat away at metal quickly, though took longer to consume wooden objects. These acidic creatures devoured all organic material, including flesh and vegetation, but could also consume metal objects, such as weapons. Though it was rare, green slimes were known to form colonies, sometimes in large numbers.

Noska Ur'gray, a shield dwarf of Xanathar's Thieves' Guild, lost much of his left arm and his hand to the acid of a green slime. These slimes were very vulnerable to many causes of damage, such as sunlight, fire and frost, as well as sources of radiance, and spells that cured diseases. When green slimes swamped their prey, they gradually consumed their flesh, as well as their armor and weapons, causing acidic damage. However, they had spores that could lie dormant for prolonged periods of time, allowing them to regrow over the course of several years after having been burned away. The spell cure disease was also known to be quite deadly towards them. Green slimes were vulnerable to severe cold and heat. Green slimes were sensitive to vibrations and thus would fall upon any creatures that passed them by. Unlike many other oozes, green slimes seemed to be stationary, and so would wait in a single place until they detected foes.

These oozes kept to ceilings, floors and walls. Some described them as resembling plant growths. They covered an area of about 5 feet (1.5 meters) per side. Green slimes were bright green, sticky, and damp oozes.